
云上嶺南 | 中法文化雙向奔赴!79件世界級藝術作品亮相塱頭古村

發布時間:2024-09-30 11:15

【大美廣東】Chinese culture works with culture! 79 world-class artworks exhibited in Langtou Village 


The quaint countryside of Lingnan welcomes world-class masterpieces of art. On 27th September, as one of the series of activities of the Year of Sino-French Cultural Tourism, a special exhibition featuring the works of renowned Swiss-Italian sculptor Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966) opened in Langtou Village, Tanbu Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou City. The exhibition is open to the public.

Source : Lingnan on the Cloud

中法文化交相輝映,嶺南古樸鄉村迎來世界級大師藝術作品。9月27日,作為中法建交60周年特別呈現之中法文化之春的系列活動之一,阿爾貝托·賈科梅蒂(Alberto Giacometti)特展“1的紀念性:賈科梅蒂在塱頭”在位于花都區塱頭村的廣州春陽臺藝文中心正式開幕,面向公眾開放。

