
云上嶺南 |?跟著賽事來旅行!環南昆山-羅浮山City Life增城運動旅游季啟幕

發布時間:2024-10-12 14:15

【大美廣東】Travel Along with Sports! The Nankun Mountain-Luofu Mountain City Life Zengcheng Sports Tourism Season Kicked Off

跟著賽事來旅行!環南昆山-羅浮山City Life增城運動旅游季啟幕

On October 8, the opening ceremony for the 2024 "Travel Along with Sports" Nankun Mountain-Luofu Mountain City Life Zengcheng Sports Tourism Season was held at Zengcheng Square. This sports tourism season features a variety of events, including cycling, marathons, Roller Skating, Table Tennis, basketball, volleyball, wrestling, and motorcycling, with nearly 40 exciting competitions in total. Notably, the Chinese Men's 3x3 Basketball Super League is staging a comeback, and the Greater Bay Area Women's Half Marathon is also set to begin again.

10月8日,“跟著賽事來旅行”2024環南昆山—羅浮山City Life增城運動旅游季啟動儀式在增城廣場舉行。本次運動旅游季活動涵蓋自行車、馬拉松、輪滑、乒乓球、籃球、排球、摔跤、機車等多個項目近40場。值得關注的是,中國男子三人籃球超級聯賽再度歸來,粵港澳大灣區女子半程馬拉松也宣告再度起航。

